Find out more about how to compare candidates on the Clevry platform using the 'Compare Candidates' feature!
What is the 'Compare Candidates' feature?
Clevry's compare candidates feature allows you to compare up to 6 candidates on their psychometric scores. Bar graphs are created to show you how candidates compare on personality questionnaire scores, ability test scores, situational judgement test scores, and model-based scores for Team Strengths, Sales Strengths, and Leadership Potential (where applicable). Each candidate has their own colour in the bar graphs so you can quickly see which candidate scored higher / lower / middling on each psychometric. You will also have easy access to individuals' reports when using the Compare Candidates feature.
What are the prerequisites for using the compare candidates feature?
This feature can be used for any kind of assessment. Candidates don't need to be on the same campaign for you to be able to use the compare candidates function, so long as all candidates have completed all of the assessments on the campaign, and there is some overlap in the assessments / personality scales that they have been asked to take. We set a limit of 6 candidates to be included in the Compare Candidates function to ensure that the graphs are readable and easy to interpret.
How do I access the 'Compare Candidates' feature within the platform?
Go to the candidates tab, select the candidates you would like to compare the scores of and then click 'Compare Results' from the pop out panel on the right. You will be presented with comparisons of all available scores for your candidates, as well as downloadable reports to find out more information on a particular candidate's psychometrics profile.
Hints and Tips:
- Remember you can select between 2 and 6 candidates to be included using the compare candidates feature.
- You cannot currently save or print the compare candidates dashboard. We recommend you take a screenshot if you wish to access the information at a later date. We may build in a 'print' button as a future enhancement to the platform.
- We offer three group reports for comparing candidates who have completed relevant personality questionnaires: Group Team Strengths Report, Group Sales Strengths Report, and Group Leadership Potential Report. You may wish to download these reports in order to find out richer information about your candidates.