
Common questions and answers regarding our language accessibility

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What's available in each language?

Language features on Clevry

Platform languages


What's available in each language?

This guide details which of the Clevry assessments and reports are available in different languages. In this article you will find tables indicating which personality reports, ability tests, and scenarios based assessment tools are available across languages.

We are continually adding to our offering based on the needs of our clients, working closely with internal translation teams, external translation agencies and our Partner network to expand what tools we can offer across different markets, always in high quality to ensure a great candidate experience and psychometrically sound results. If you have a question or request with regards to translations and our assessment offering, please get in touch with the Clevry support team who would be happy to help:

Please click here to view our latest translation availability.


Language features on Clevry

Flexible language options on the Clevry platform

Clevry's psychometrics clients are global and we want to ensure that your candidates have a great experience regardless of where they are. We have been continually expanding the flexibility of the language features on the platform to continue to provide the best experience for those using Clevry. Below is some information about how you can customise your campaigns to meet your candidate needs.

Send out automated emails in two languages

The 'Second Email Language' option means that any automated emails sent from the Clevry platform (e.g., Registration emails, Reminder emails, Completion emails, Feedback emails etc) will arrive with your candidates in two languages; both the language you set up the campaign in and a second language of your choice. See an example below.

This is great for companies operating in markets with two languages or for international organisations wanting to launch campaigns across countries. The feature gives your candidates a more flexible psychometrics experience.

Where to find this feature:

On the final stage of the campaign builder there is a button called 'Advance Campaign Settings': Here you will find an option called 'Second Email Language'. Click modify and select the language you would like from the drop down list.

NB - this feature is currently compatible through the 'invite new candidate' and 'bulk upload' candidate invite methods, and will not work using the quick-link sign up method.

Language assessment choices

The 'Assessment Languages' option, when switched on, gives your candidates the freedom to

choose which language they would like to take an assessment in. Language choices will then

appear on a drop-down list on the assessments dashboard for each assessment where alternate language versions of that assessment are available.

Candidate journey language options

More recently, we have introduced a language drop down option in the banner at the top of the candidate journey pages. On this list, candidates can choose the language they would like to see the pages in from the drop-down list of those available. This feature is currently 'on' for all candidates and all campaigns so you don't need to do anything to take advantage of this feature. In comparison, the dual language emails and the option for candidates to choose an assessment's language are 'opt in' features accessible in the Advance Campaigns settings.


Report downloads in different languages

As an administrator, you have the option to download a candidate's report in a language of your choice. E.g. A candidate may have completed a personality questionnaire in Swedish but you would like to access a Finnish version of the Interviewer Report.


Where to find this feature:

On the candidates tab, on the Report Generate/Download option, you simply pick the language you want the report in from the dropdown list. The PDF report will then generate in the language of your choice.


Platform Languages

Selected tools are also available in other languages. Please get in touch with one of the team for more information!


Last Updated: January 2024