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Time Limits on Ability Tests

Information on why we have time limits on Clevry ability tests

Why do we have time limits on our ability tests?

A power test utilises a smaller number of more difficult items in an allotted time. Our assessments are measures of power, rather than speed. The required method is not made clear and therefore tests the candidate’s ability to work out how to solve the problem. Time limits on power tests tend to be generous.

Research has demonstrated more positive perceptions of the testing process when candidates sit power tests compared to speed tests. In line with our 'Candidate is King' philosophy, our tests use generous time limits to avoid adverse impacts caused by excess anxiety and to promote a positive image for the clients that use our tests. Furthermore, power tests can be argued to be fairer to candidates for whom the language of the assessment is a second language since they are not forced to read and complete questions within a tight time limit.

To measure the maximum rather than the typical performance of cognitive ability, power assessments do still require a time limit. While the questions are designed to be challenging, with unlimited time most candidates would be able to work out the correct answers. Time limits mean that we are measuring candidates’ cognitive ability in a standardised way, looking at their ability to process information within a set time. Furthermore, with no time limits at all, we would be opening the assessments up to potential cheating and collusion from candidates.

How are they set?

The time limits on Clevry have been set through extensive testing throughout the development of the assessments, based on completion times during the initial trialling of hundreds of candidates. They are based on the average time taken to complete each form within an ability test meaning that time limits are not always numbers rounded to the nearest 5 or 10 minutes. Our time limits are also reviewed in line with our regular assessment research and development of ability tests, headed up by our Science and Technology team.

While the time taken isn’t considered when calculating sten scores, due to an assessment of power rather than speed, the information is made available in ability test reports for your reference. Average completion times for that assessment are also provided in ability test reports.


Last Updated: January 2024