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Module 5: Ethical Considerations

This article will provide an in-depth overview of the critical aspects of GDPR compliance and how to support diversity effectively using our assessment platform. These guidelines are crucial for creating a fair, and compliant assessment process.



GDPR Compliance: Key Points to Remember 


Anonymisation and Data Deletion 

One of the fundamental principles of GDPR is the anonymisation and timely deletion of candidate data. In our platform: 

  • Automatic Data Deletion: Candidate data is anonymised and deleted from your platform after 12 months. This process is automated to ensure compliance with GDPR regulations, protecting candidate privacy by preventing unnecessary retention of personal data. 

Managing Saved Data 

In addition to the automated processes, it’s crucial to manage any data you manually store: 

  • Deletion of Saved Data: Any reports, data, or emails containing candidate results that are saved on your computer should be deleted after 12 months. This practice helps maintain data security and compliance with GDPR standards. 

Confidentiality of Candidate Results 

Maintaining the confidentiality of candidate results is essential: 

  • Restricted Access: Only individuals directly involved in the recruitment or development process, such as test administrators and hiring managers, should have access to candidate results. 
  • Candidate Rights: Candidates have the right to view their data. Ensure that this right is respected and that access is provided appropriately. 

Data Removal Requests 

Candidates have the right to request the removal of their data: 

  • Easy Removal Process: Under the GDPR, data subjects have the right to erasure. This means that if a candidate withdraws their consent to your storing of their data then it must be removed. Upon receiving a request from a candidate to remove their data, you have one month to do so. As a Clevry user, you are the data controller for your candidate's information and so are responsible for actioning this request. You can do this by navigating to the candidates tab and selecting the candidate. From the right hand menu that appears, select ‘delete candidate’. 


Supporting Diversity Through Assessment 


Promoting diversity is not only a legal requirement but also a moral and business imperative. Here’s how our platform supports diversity in candidate assessments: 

Accessibility Compliance 

Our platform is designed to be accessible to all users: 

  • WCAG 2 Level AA compliant: We comply with AA accessibility standards in the UK, ensuring that our platform is usable by individuals with various disabilities. 
  • Accessibility Features: An accessibility button allows users to adjust settings such as contrast. We are also compatible with screen readers. This feature ensures that individuals with visual impairments or different processing needs can use the platform effectively. 
  • Power Test Philosophy: Our test design is based on a power test philosophy. This means that we offer generous time limits so that most Candidates have sufficient time to attempt to answer all the questions in the test. It provides a purer measure of their cognitive ability than speed tests, which are more influenced by the Candidate’s processing speed. This creates a less stressful and more inclusive experience for the Candidates. In addition, the time taken by a candidate is not included in their test scores. 


Adjustments for Candidates 


Providing reasonable adjustments ensures that all candidates have a fair chance: 

  • Extending the test timer on timed assessments (e.g., cognitive ability tests or situational judgement tests) This can be done in the Clevry platform by selecting the candidate in the candidates tab, and clicking test timer on the right hand menu. Clevry recommend asking the candidate how much additional time they need, but usually this is around 25% extra time. 
  • Resetting an assessment: if something happened while the candidate was completing the assessment, they may contact the recruiter to ask for a test reset. The recruiter can do this in the Clevry platform and the updated results will appear in Workday. 
  • Deciding not to use a specific assessment: in some cases, the recruiter may decide not to use a specific assessment if an appropriate reasonable adjustment cannot be made. Alternative ways of assessing the person against the key capabilities needed to perform in the role may be used instead. 

Read our guide on reasonable adjustments. 

Simple and Inclusive Content 

To avoid cultural bias and ensure clarity: 

  • No Cultural Content: Our assessments are free from cultural content that might disadvantage any group. 
  • Simple Business English: We use simple business English that is easily understood by most candidates, ensuring clear communication and fair assessment. 

Analysis of Cut-Off Scores 

To ensure fair practices in scoring: 

  • Impact Analysis: If you are using cut-off scores to sift candidates, we can run an analysis to ensure these scores do not adversely impact minority groups. This analysis can be conducted for gender for free, as we collect gender data as standard. This step helps identify and mitigate any unintended biases in the assessment process. Please contact us for more information. 


Ensuring GDPR compliance and supporting diversity in candidate assessments are essential practices for maintaining fairness, inclusivity, and legal compliance. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can create a candidate assessment process that is ethical, supportive, and effective.