Using the Platform

Common questions and answers for using the platform

Click on the following links to take you to the answer!

Why can I not download candidate reports?

A candidate has completed the tests but their status is still listed as "In Progress" - why?

I want to set up a new campaign, how can I do this?

How do I access candidate results?

How do I verify test scores?

Can I move the campaign end-date forward to allow for late respondents?

Can we use our own norm group for the campaigns?

Can I compare candidates if they have completed different assessment campaigns?

Why are there no scores included on the candidate dashboards?

How do I invite a candidate to complete an assessment?

How do I add a new user to the Clevry platform?

How do I reset a candidate?

Can the system alert me when a candidate has completed?

A new team member needs an account

How do I invite candidates to my assessment campaign?



Why can I not download candidate reports?

This is most likely because they are still "In Progress" – i.e. they haven’t completed all of the assessments, or submitted their responses. As you cannot download reports until all assessments are completed, you will need to ask your respondents to return to Clevry and complete the remaining assessments / make sure they have submitted their assessments.

It may also be because the report you are trying to download isn’t compatible with the assessments the candidate has completed. The Sales and Team reports require the scales in the Criterion Core questionnaire to be completed, while the Leadership report requires the scales in the Enhanced questionnaire to be completed, in order for the report to be downloaded. If you would like to use these reports with bespoke questionnaires, or would like further advice about scale selection, contact criterion for more information.



A candidate has completed the tests but their status is still listed as "In Progress" - why?

Following completion of all assessment elements, candidates must submit their responses. On the last page after completing all tests, the respondent must agree to the assessment process T&Cs as well as an honesty contract, and then make their submission by ticking the box and clicking "Submit Responses".

If they just close their browser and do not confirm that they have read and understood these points then their entries will not be processed and their status will remain as in progress. Respondents are able to log back in to Clevry and submit this form at any time to complete their assessment journey.



I want to set up a new campaign, how can I do this?

Go to the “Campaigns” tab and select “Set up a new campaign” in the top right hand corner. From here the platform will guide you through the process, and you simply have to fill in the relevant fields.



How do I access candidate results?

Candidate results can be found in the “candidates” tab. Once you have selected the candidate you want to take a look at you can either generate the report to view it online, or download to save a high quality PDF to you desktop. These incur the same cost, and are both available from the sub menu that appears.

Please note that if a candidate completed the assessments longer than 12 months ago, their data will have been anonymised in line with GDPR and you are no longer able to access their reports.



How do I verify test scores?

You can send candidates a verification request that will require them to complete a shorter version of an assessment again. The platform will then compare the original test score with the verification test score and report a comparison between the two in the Ability Test Report. This is a great way to check the validity of a candidate's score on an assessment.

To invite a candidate to complete a verification test, find and select the candidate in the “Candidates” tab and then select “verify” from the sub menu that pops up. From here you can select which assessments you would like to verify. The candidate will receive an email asking them to complete the verification test, and instructions on how to do so.



Can I move the campaign end-date forward to allow for late respondents?

If you need to extend your campaign end date, then you can do this by finding your campaign under the “Campaigns” tab. Select the campaign you would like to edit and click “update campaign” from the sub menu. You can make various changes to your campaign from here, but to extend the end date go to “Managing” and simply enter the new end date you would like your campaign to have and click “Save”.

Note that the Campaign will expire at 11.59pm GMT on the date you set as the campaign end date.



Can we use our own norm group for the campaigns?

If you have already had around 150 respondents complete your campaign then Clevry can use this data to develop a bespoke norm group for your organisation.

If you want to use a norm group specific to your industry, if not already available, we may be able to create a norm group from already available respondent data on the Clevry system. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.



Can I compare candidates if they have completed different assessment campaigns?

Yes, you can compare candidates’ performance regardless of which campaign they completed the assessments under, providing there is some overlap in the assessments taken. This could mean the candidates sat the same ability tests and/or personality questionnaire but under different campaigns. Where candidates have completed different personality questionnaires, the dashboard will report a comparison for any scales that overlap across the questionnaires. Remember, the system can only report comparisons where data is available, and it cannot make comparisons across different ability tests.

E.g. If Candidate A completed the 21 scale ‘Core Personality Questionnaire’ and Candidate B completed the 30 scale ‘Enhanced Personality Questionnaire, the candidate comparison dashboard would be able to report a comparison on the 21 scales which are included in both the Core and Enhanced questionnaires. As it does not have data on the other 9 scales for Candidate A, these would not be included in the comparison dashboard.

In this example, a comparison for the Team and Sales report scores would also be provided, but not the Leadership scores as only the Enhanced questionnaire meets the scales criteria for this.



Why are there no scores included on the candidate dashboards?

The candidate dashboards provide you with a high level visual representation of the scores/differences between your candidates in the form of bar graphs. For further information around a candidate’s scores/performance, you can download or generate profile reports to gain a richer insight.



How do I invite a candidate to complete an assessment?

There are 3 places you can find the above methods of inviting candidates to your assessment campaign.

The final stage of the campaign builder, on the ‘Invite your candidates’ page.

On the Campaigns tab – select the campaign you want to invite your candidate to, and select which invitation method you want to use from the pop-out panel on the right hand side of the page.

Using the ‘Add Candidate’ button on the top right of the Candidates tab to invite a new candidate.



How do I add a new user to the Clevry platform?

Depending on your account permissions, you’ll be able to add new users to the platform by following these instructions:

  • Go to 'Manage Users' tab and then click 'Add User'
  • Fill in information boxes but leave password empty (as this will prompt the system to email the new user to set up a new password).
  • Select the language the user will use the system in and also select the teams that the user will have access to
  • Click ‘Add’ then select the user from the User list, and edit their access permissions by selecting ‘Access Permissions’ on the right-hand pop-out menu
  • Click ‘Save’ once you have set their access permissions



How do I reset a candidate?

Go to the “Candidates” tab, and select the candidate you would like to reset. Next, select “reset” from the sub menu that pops up. You can then choose which assessments you would like to reset. When you have done this an email will be sent to the candidate notifying them that their assessment has been reset and is ready to be completed.



Can the system alert me when a candidate has completed?

Yes, we have recently launched a feature where you can choose to receive an email alert informing you of any new candidate completions on your campaign. The email will tell you how many new candidates have completed your assessments and contain a link taking you to the platform so you can view their results and download their reports. You will only receive an alert email from Clevry if you have new completions on your campaign; if no candidates have completed in the timeframe selected, you will not receive an alert.

You can set the regularity at either daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. This feature is free of charge and you can turn it on, as well as set how often you’d like to receive the alert, on step 3 of the campaign builder using the ‘Email me when a candidate completes the assessments’ box.

There is a new section on the homepage dashboard called 'New Candidate Completion' which enables you to easily see your 5 most recent candidates as well as view their results and access reports.



A new team member needs an account

Certain users within your organisation should be able to add new team members to the Clevry portal. Instructions on how to do so are found here.

If you don't have permission or need further guidance, please feel free to get in touch with us.



How do I invite candidates to my assessment campaign?

There are 3 ways you can invite candidates to complete your assessment campaign.

1.  Using the quick-login link

Simply copy your unique campaign URL and email this to candidates. The link will take them straight to the Clevry registration page, where after entering their personal details, they will then be taken through to the assessments.

2.  Using the bulk invite function

A great method for inviting large numbers of candidates to complete your assessments. Download the template spreadsheet, populate columns A, B and C, with your candidates’ First Name, Last Name and email address respectively, and then upload the file and click the ‘Send Invite’ button. Your candidates will receive an automatic email from Clevry telling them they have been invited to complete your assessments and they’ll be provided with an auto-login link that will take them straight to the assessments page.

3.  Invite new candidate button

Use this method to invite candidates one at a time by entering their First Name, Last Name and email address. A convenient method if you have only a small number of candidates to invite or perhaps some late additions.



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Last Updated: January 2024